Monday, 11 July 2011


GOD has given us plenty of water. Without spending on medicine, tablets, injections, diagnosis, Doctor fees, etc., just by drinking pure water, the following diseases will be cured. You can never believe before practising.

1. Headache                                                         2. Urogenital diseases                  
3. Blood Pressure                                              4. Hyper acidity                               
5. Anaemia                                                          6. Gastro-enteritis
7. Rheumatism                                                  8. Dysentry                                    
9. General Paralysis                                        10. Rectal Piodapse                         
11. Obesity                                                          12. Constipation
13. Arthritis                                                       14. Hostorthobics                           
15. Sinusitis                                                        16. Diabetes                                      
17. Tachycardia                                               18. Eye diseases
19. Giddiness                                                     20. reddish eye
21. Cough                                                            22. Irregular Menstruation           
23. Asthma                                                        24. Leucamia                                    
25. Bronchitis                                                   26. Uterine cancer
27. Breast cancer                                            
28. Kidney stones


1. Get up early in the morning and without brushing your teeth drink 5 to 6 glasses of water.
2. Don’t eat or drink anything within one hour before or after taking this water.
3. Use boiled or filtered water for this therapy.

4. To begin with, one may find it difficult to drink 1.50 litres of water at one time, but one will get used to it gradually. Initially, while practising you may drink four glasses first and the balance two glasses after a gap of two minutes, you may find the necessity to urinate 2 to 3 times within an hour, but it will become normal after sometime.
Even those people suffering from gastritia, by experience will be cured after water  therapy. For one week hypertension; diabetes one week; gastric hypostia three days; constipation one day; cancer one month; pulmonary tuberculosis 3 months.

Old people who have arthritis and rehumatism should undergo water therapy 3 times a day for one week in order to have full recovery.

During meal times you can have the usual drink of water, but two hours after meals Do not drink any more. Before you go to bed, don't eat anything especially apples.


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We all know that fruits are very good for health,istead of eating them they are very good for skin.They are natural free from can made home made facial mask using your  kitchen.

Try a fruit facial today:

Strawberry Mask
Mix 1 cup of over-ripe strawberries and 1/4 cup of cornstarch to make a drawing facial mask for deep-cleaning the skin. Leave on for 30 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

Peach Mask
Remove the peel and pit from a fresh peach and whip with one egg white. Peaches contain an enzyme that tightens up loose pores. Use as a facial mask, by smoothing over the skin and allowing to sit on the face for 15 minutes before rinsing.

Grapes Mask
Peel and mash a few grapes. Use gauze to strain the mix and apply what is left in the gauze on the face.Gently massage the face so that the exfoliating properties can start acting. Rinse off with cold water to close the pores

Banana Mask
Mash a banana with one tea spoon of honey nd a little bit of milk.Apply the mask to face and neck avoiding eyes. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. The banana and honey have a firming and moisturizing effect on the skin, as well
as a light exfoliation of dead skin cells

Apple Mask
Put apple pieces into blender. Add some honey and put this mixture in the refrigerator. Pat the mixture onto your face with a light tapping motion, tapping until the honey feels tacky. Leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse.

Weight loss Saboteurs

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New science says that your bedtime, your work agenda & even the temperature of your house may be blame.

Habits that you have never even thought of may be unwittingly sabotaging your efforts. If you are trying to slim down, pay attention to these sneaky weight loss saboteurs:

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Staying up Late
According to new research staying up late may pack on up to 1 kg a month. The study found that people who go to bed late eat more food (on average 248 extra calories per day), have worse diets & are more likely to have a higher body mass index than people who tuck in earlier. Eating at night, when you are supposed to be sleeping, may cause you to process calories differently. Plus, the foods we often crave at night tend to be high in calories & fat. To ease into a new routine, inch your bedtime back by 15 minutes a night until you are snagging seven to eight hours of sleep.

The more time you spend away from home, the worse off your waistline. After reviewing the medical records of more than 13000 employees researchers found that those who traveled the most for work were more likely to have higher BMIs & a greater risk of obesity. Long stints of inactivity behind the wheel & unhealthy on-the road food choices are probably to blame. Fill a portable cooler with fresh-cut fruits & vegetables, sandwiches, yogurt & bottles of water in your glove compartment as a go-to healthy snack.

A study theorizes that modern technologies (such as air conditioning) help keep our bodies in a thermo neutral zone, a temperature range in which we don’t have to work to stay comfortable, which decreases the amount of calories we burn. Also, when you are hotter you tend to eat less, so keeping your house cool may make you eat more. Set your air conditioner to the highest temperature you can tolerate, or turn it off altogether of you can stand it, though this specific approach has not yet been scientifically shown to cause weight loss.

Over-Stuffed Fridge
Eating plenty of fruits & vegetables can help you stay trim, but if your fridge is so full that you don’t even know what’s in your produce drawers, your healthy intentions may be falling short, wash & cut up fruits & veggies as soon as you get home from market, then store them in airtight containers on eye-level shelves. Keep a fruit bowl with apples, peers, bananas or mangoes on the counter. And don’t buy more than a week’s worth of produce at a time.

Artificially sweetened drinks
According to a study people who downed drinks made with artificial sweeteners had a 47 percent bigger increase in body mass index (BMI) than those who didn’t drink them. While artificially sweetened drinks certainly pack fewer calories than full sugar beverages, over-relying on them as a weight-loss tool may backfire. Researchers theorize that artificial sweeteners stoke your sweet tooth & set off cravings that lead you to binge on high calorie food later. Craving something sweet to sip? Make ice cubes out of 100 percent fruit juice & plop them into a glass of iced tea. As the ice melt it will sweeten the drink & add healthy vitamins & antioxidants.   

Your rapid-fire, doing five-things-at-once lifestyle has a surprisingly negative effect on you diet. Of course when you are busy it’s harder to carve out time for exercise or cook healthy meals, but new research suggests that serially switching tasks actually wears out you resolve & makes you more apt to give in to temptation. Researchers conducted five different experiments on about 300 people & found that frequently toggling between different tasks can exhaust the executive function of the brain, which help us regulate self control. Minimizing distractions may help you avoid a snack binge.  

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Common Oral Health Mistakes

Brushing is not enough to protect your teeth from cavities. If you regularly consume lots of sugar, smoke or skip regular dental visits, you teeth could still suffer. Here are the top oral health pitfalls you should avoid:

A diet high in sugar is bad for your waistline & your teeth. Chewing gum, snacking on candies, downing sweet sodas & juices are habits known to cause cavities & damage teeth. But tooth decay can be caused not just by obviously sugar laden foods; carbohydrates contain sugars & starches that can also lead to cavities. These sugars leave a coating on your teeth that’s converted into acids by the natural bacteria that live in your mouth. These acids then break down the enamel on your teeth, which results in the holes called cavities.

Smoking causes problems for your teeth & there is a much higher rate of gum disease among smokers versus non-smokers, as well as more rapid bone loss around teeth. Using other tobacco products are other bad habits that affect overall oral health. Chewing tobacco regularly & smoking can increase the risk of oral cancer.

You may think chewing ice or chewing on a pencil is a harmless habit, but it’s quite tough on teeth & can lead to damage. People who chew ice of clench & grind their teeth due to stress may rapidly wear down the enamel on teeth.

Skimping on oral care is surefire way to develop gum disease & other dental problems. Frequent brushing (at least two times a day, ideally after meals & snacks) & daily flossing should be part of your regular dental hygiene routine. Skipping these steps can allow bacteria to feed on leftover sugars & food particles in your mouth, resulting in acid that causes cavities.

Keeping your teeth healthy also requires regular visits to your dentist. You should see your dentist twice a year for a cleaning & detection of any early signs of cavities.



It’s easy to take your vision for granted – but it’s not difficult to maintain eye health. Try these tips to protect your eyes.

Many eye diseases & disorders can be prevented or corrected if they are caught early. Not only do regular visits to your eye doctor help ensure an early diagnosis, but you can also get an up-to-date prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses. Children should have their eyes examined at six months old, three years old, before the first grade & then every two years until their eighteenth birthday. Adults between the ages of 18 & 40 should have their eyes checked every two to three years, 41 to 60 years old require an exam every two years, adults over 60 should have an annual eye exam.

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Not only is it important to see your eye doctor for routine visits, but you should also know the warning signs that might necessitate a more immediate visit. Call your eye doctor if you have difficulty adjusting to light or dark, trouble focusing, unusual sensitivity, a change in the color of the iris or lids, pain double vision, dark spots of halos, dry or watery eyes, flashes of light, or loss of peripheral vision.

Don’t let contact lens put your eye health at risk. To avoid problems like irritated eyes, fuzzy vision, paid & discomfort, be sure to always wash your hands before handling your contact. Also be sure to do the following: Clean & store your lenses only in fresh solution, replace your contacts as directed & remove your contacts before swimming or entering a hot tub.

If you spend countless hours staring at a computer screen, you may be at risk for developing computer vision syndrome (CVS). The symptoms include eyestrain, headaches, blurred vision & dry eyes. If your are bound to your computer , take these precautions: Set the center of your computer screen 4 to 5 inches below eye level & 20 to 28 inches away from your eyes. Reduce glare by using lower-wattage light bulbs overhead & closing curtains. Finally try to blink more often & rest 15 minutes after every two hours of computer use.

The recommendation that carrots are good for your eyes has some truth. That’s because carrots contain the carotenoids lutein & zeaxanthin, which are naturally found in the eyes & which can help ward off cataracts & macular degeneration. Recent studies have found that foods rich in antioxidants can reduce your risk of developing age-related eye disease & cataracts. Boost your intake of antioxidants by eating foods containing vitamins C & E. Papaya, cantaloupe, strawberries, oranges & grapefruit are excellent sources of vitamin C, while vitamin E is found in almonds, sunflower seeds & leafy greens.

Saturday, 9 July 2011

How to lose Weight quickly

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The Grapefruit diet is a short-termed diet, which only lasts
 for a mere 2 ½ months. This diet can cause rapid weight loss and is highly popular among those who want to lose those extra pounds in a jiffy.

The grapefruit itself is such a healthy fruit. The fruit is known to contain literally no fat at all! It can help you to lose weight, as it is an energy-giving fruit. At the same time, it keeps your thyroid hormone well balanced and ensures a proper intake of fatty acids. It contains lots of potassium and is good for the heart. It however contains large amounts of vitamin C, antioxidants in the form of beta-carotene, sodium, and fiber.

Grapefruit diet may help people reduce their total calorie intake, but on the other side it may not be able to supply you with sufficient nutrients. In other words, the best way to a balanced diet is one that consists of all the essential nutrients.

3 Day Diet:

The 3-day diet is just another fad diet dating back to the 1980s. The 3-day diet is said to promote quick weight loss, lower cholesterol, cleansing and increased energy. The 3-day diet plan is a quick plan whereby you are entitled to eat only certain kinds of food in order to create a chemical reaction in your digestive system. This is so that it will boost the metabolism and hence causing our body to burn fat at a faster rate.

The 3-day diet is very specific and all you need to do is to adhere to it precisely. The portions must be eaten as specified and you must not overeat. If you fail to do otherwise, the 10-pound weight loss that you wish to achieve by the end of the 3-day diet would not be reached. Remember, at the same time, do not under-eat.

The 3-day diet goes as follows:

Breakfast: a piece of toast with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, one half a grapefruit and coffee (no sugar)

Lunch: black coffee, a piece of toast and a can of tuna

Dinner: a cup of green beans, 3 ounces of chicken or lean meat, one cup of carrots, one cup of regular vanilla ice cream and one apple

The next 2 days of the diet follows on like the 1st day, even though the menu
 differ slightly. At Day 2, one specific change is recommended – Eat 2 beef franks for dinner instead of 3 ounces of lean meat. The author refuses to reveal the science supporting this change though!

There are set backs to the 3-day diet. Firstly, it is most likely that you would put back the weight you loss right after the 3rd day. Secondly, you might want to consider the effects the 3-day diet will have on your health. During the 3-day diet, you will experience
 low energy. This is simply because you are consuming only 600 calories, while the body actually requires more than this to go about daily!

The good thing to the 3-day diet is that it is very useful for anyone who wishes to loose those pounds quickly for a special upcoming event. It is the “easy” way out of the usual standard
 hard-core dieting. This diet also does not consist of any exercise regimen.

How the 3-day diet works is by reducing the “Water weight” of your body. This is simply done by concentrating your meals on fish and cutting out all carbohydrates intake. As said, the weight loss is just temporary for as soon as you resume with your normal diet, you will put the water weight back on!

It is best that you don’t eat much of anything, including grapefruits. The most ideal diet is one that is well balanced and well proportioned.

For instance, you can take a healthy helping of grapefruit, but do include other essential nutrients, which are not found in the fruit. Balance is the main key here. Do consult with your personal physician or dietitian before trying out on the Grapefruit diet.

The Grapefruit Diet weight loss plan is the ideal weight loss diet for real heavy weighters who need to lose lots of pounds. By following closely the Grapefruit diet, you would be able to lose 52 pounds within two and a half month!

However, several experts seem to say otherwise about the effectiveness of the grapefruit in its ability to cause weight loss. Some dietitians explained that the wonders of the grapefruit diet are simply myths and are not factual as these claims are not scientifically supported.

Some things are still left unexplained. For example, in the 1930’s, some claimed that the grapefruit’s enzyme would be able melt body fat. But yet, till today, no one can provide a concrete explanation on how it is made possible.

These counter allegations are not scientifically proven either. So, if you are on a grapefruit diet and it seems to be working well for you, it may be best for you to continue. After all, what matters is that a diet program

Friday, 8 July 2011


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Apples known as cleansing food, contain fiber, antioxidants and fruit flavonoids. It is also a source of Vitamin C.                

Benefits of Apples: The most important of the flavonoids contained in apples is quercetin, which has anty inflammatory as well as anti-cancer actions. Apples can reduce blood cholesterol levels, counter constipation and diarrhoea, help joint problems and prevent diseases in general.

How much Apples should you eat? Apples can be eaten freely, but more then two or three a day does not increase the health benefits. Large quantities of apple juice can encourage tooth decay and diarrhoea.

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Maximizing the benefits of Apples: Apples are best eaten raw, as cooking them can reduce the flavonoids by as much as 70% into the cooking water. It is also a good idea to eat the apple unpeeled.

Nutritional values of Apple:
Calories                            57                           Vitamin C                        10 mg
Fibre                                 1,8 g                        Vitamin E                        o,6 mg
Potassium                      120 mg                   Quantities                       per 100 g

An apricot, with its fat, juicy, bright-colored flesh, is rich in the antioxident beta-carotiene as well as iron and potassium.

Benefits of Appricots: It can help to regulate blood pressure and is also high in soluble fibre, which helps maintain regular bowel function.

How much appricots should you eat? Dry or fresh appricots can be eaten freely. A handful of dried appricots contains one fifth of an adult's daily potassium needs and between 10 and 20 percent of an adult's iron needs.

Maximizing the benefits of appricots: Dried appricots should be eaten with foods that are rich in Vitamin C so that iron absorption can be increased. 

Nutrition Values of Appricots:

Calories                            188                          Starch                                    0
Carotenes                        323 mcg                Sugar                                     37 g
Fat                                     1 g                            Protein                                  4 g
Fibre                                 8 g                            Iron                                        4 mg
Potassium                       1880 mg                Carbohydrates                     37 g

Bananas are great, no-fuss snacks. They are also packed with goodness and are great sources of potassium and vitamin B6.

Benefits of Bananas: Bananas are a good source of both potassium and vitamin B6. They not only help to maintain bowel health, but are also good energy-boosting snacks. As bananas ripen, their starch is converted into sugar. Bananas help to maintain blood sugar levels and it is also a fruit which is easily digested.

How much banana should you eat? Bananas can be eaten freely, within limits. A banana weighin 100 g contains about 62 calories. It must be remembered that dried bananas are a more concentrated source of nutrients than plain bananas.

Maximising the benefits of banana: Fresh, ripe bananas are a very good source of fruit sugars and can give a quick energy boost.

Nutritional Value of banana:

Calories                          62                              Niacin                               0.5 g
Potassium                      270 mg                     Per                                    100 gm
Vitamin B6                    0.19 mg                    Vitamin C                          7 mg

Blackberries are a good, low-fat source of vitamin E. These sexy berries also make fantastic, healthy dessert treats.

Key benefits of blackberries: Blackberries are a good low fat source of vitamin E and it helps to fight infection. It also contains salcylate, which is thought to lower the chance of heart risk. It also contains vitamin C, phenolic acids and folate.

How much blackberries should you eat: Blackberries can be eaten in many forms, from juice to desert or just fresh.

Maximising the benefits of blackberries: Blackberries are best eaten frest, but the cooked variety still contains high quantities of vitamin E.

Nutritional values of blackberries

Calories                          25                           Fibre                       3,1 g
Folate                             34 g                        Vitamin E               2,4 mg

Suffer from gout? Cherries are believed to relieve this painful condition if eaten daily. But that’s not all they are good for.

Benefits of Cherries: Cherries contain the powerful antioxidant anthocyadin. Cherries are believed to relieve gout if at least 225 g are eaten daily. They are also thought to have a mild laxative action.

Maximizing the benefits of cherries: Although fresh cherries have a very short season, cherries that have been bottled, canned or cooked seem to retain their beneficial qualities.

Nutrition values of cherries:

Calories                                      39                                Potassium                             170mg
Vitamin C                                   9 mg                            Carbohydrates                     12 g
Starch                                         0                                   Sugars                                   12 g
Protein                                       1 g                                Fat                                         < 1 g

Grapes are not only good for wine making. Both red and black grapes also contain powerful antioxidants.

Benefits of grapes: Both red and black grapes contain powerful antioxidants and resveratrol, which helps to prevent both the narrowing and hardening of the arteries. Ellagic acid, which has anti-cancer properties, is also contained in grapes. They do, however, have very high sugar content.

How much grapes should you eat? Grapes have many health benefits, but have high sugar content and should therefore be eaten in moderation.

Nutrition values of grapes:

Calories                                       60                                   Carbohydrate                       15 g 
Starch                                          0                                     Sugar                                      15 g
Protein                                        < 1 g                               Fat                                           < 1 g

Did you know that grapefruit is best eaten when fresh and chilled as this maximizes its vitamin C content?

Benefits of grapefruit: All citrus fruit are excellent sources of Vitamin C, which helps to maintain the body’s defenses. The flavonoid narigenin is found in grapefruit. It is thought to reduce the risk of some cancers. Grapefruits can improve blood circulation and lower blood cholesterol levels.

How much grapefruit should you eat? Citrus fruit can be eaten freely. Tow or three citrus fruits van provide the with 20 percent of its potassium requirements.

Maximizing the benefits of grapefruit: Grapefruit is best eaten peeled and raw. This is more beneficial than grapefruit juice. It is important also to eat the skin around the segments.

Nutrition values of grapefruit:

Calories                                     20                                 Vitamin C                             24 mg
Fiber                                          0,9 mg                          Foliate                                  18 mcg
Carbohydrate                           9 g                                Starch                                   0
Sugar                                         9 g

Sweet, funky and oh-so-irresistible. Find out why mangoes are a great, healthy fruit to be addicted to.             

Benefits of mango: Mango is thought to bring about a reduced risk of colon and cervical cancer. It is a rich source of beta-carotene, which the body can convert to vitamin A. It also contains beta-cryptoxanthin.

How much mango should you eat? An average mango weighs about 150 g. They can be eaten just as is, or mixed into fruit salads.

Maximizing the benefits of mango: As beta-cryptoxanthin is best absorbed by the body when eaten with fat, it is a good idea to eat mangoes as part of a meal, rather than on their own.

Nutritional values of mango:

Calories                                      57                                  Fiber                                        2,6 g
Vitamin C                                   37 mg                           Vitamin E                                1 mg

Don’t by shy when you sprinkle your fish with lemon. You will just be kick starting your immune system in a healthy way.

Benefits of Lemon: Lemons have a very high Vitamin C content. Lemons help to lower cholesterol level and also have anti-cancer effects, because of lemon’s limonoid phytochemicals.

How much lemons should you eat? Lemons are low in calories, but because they are generally quite sour, they tent to be eaten in dressings, sauces or drinks, rather than on their own. A daily portion of citrus fruit is recommended.

Maximizing the benefits of lemons: Limonoids and limonene are found in the whole lemon – pith and peel included. It is therefore best to make use of the whole lemon.

Nutrition values of lemon:

Calories                                      7                                        Fiber                                 0,1 g
Potassium                                  130 mg                             Vitamin C                        36 mg

Lower your risk for cancer and heart disease- simply make a point of snacking more often on a tasty slice of melon.

Benefits of melons: Melons are good sources of beat carotene and vitamin C. They may have an anti-clotting action on the blood. Melons are also thought to lower cancer and heart disease risk.

How much melon should you eat? Melons are reasonably low in calories and can be eaten freely. They also have very high water content.

Maximizing the benefits of melons: Melons with a lighter yellow or green colour as well as water melons contain less vitamin C and beta-carotene than orange melons do.