Saturday, 9 July 2011

How to lose Weight quickly

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The Grapefruit diet is a short-termed diet, which only lasts
 for a mere 2 ½ months. This diet can cause rapid weight loss and is highly popular among those who want to lose those extra pounds in a jiffy.

The grapefruit itself is such a healthy fruit. The fruit is known to contain literally no fat at all! It can help you to lose weight, as it is an energy-giving fruit. At the same time, it keeps your thyroid hormone well balanced and ensures a proper intake of fatty acids. It contains lots of potassium and is good for the heart. It however contains large amounts of vitamin C, antioxidants in the form of beta-carotene, sodium, and fiber.

Grapefruit diet may help people reduce their total calorie intake, but on the other side it may not be able to supply you with sufficient nutrients. In other words, the best way to a balanced diet is one that consists of all the essential nutrients.

3 Day Diet:

The 3-day diet is just another fad diet dating back to the 1980s. The 3-day diet is said to promote quick weight loss, lower cholesterol, cleansing and increased energy. The 3-day diet plan is a quick plan whereby you are entitled to eat only certain kinds of food in order to create a chemical reaction in your digestive system. This is so that it will boost the metabolism and hence causing our body to burn fat at a faster rate.

The 3-day diet is very specific and all you need to do is to adhere to it precisely. The portions must be eaten as specified and you must not overeat. If you fail to do otherwise, the 10-pound weight loss that you wish to achieve by the end of the 3-day diet would not be reached. Remember, at the same time, do not under-eat.

The 3-day diet goes as follows:

Breakfast: a piece of toast with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, one half a grapefruit and coffee (no sugar)

Lunch: black coffee, a piece of toast and a can of tuna

Dinner: a cup of green beans, 3 ounces of chicken or lean meat, one cup of carrots, one cup of regular vanilla ice cream and one apple

The next 2 days of the diet follows on like the 1st day, even though the menu
 differ slightly. At Day 2, one specific change is recommended – Eat 2 beef franks for dinner instead of 3 ounces of lean meat. The author refuses to reveal the science supporting this change though!

There are set backs to the 3-day diet. Firstly, it is most likely that you would put back the weight you loss right after the 3rd day. Secondly, you might want to consider the effects the 3-day diet will have on your health. During the 3-day diet, you will experience
 low energy. This is simply because you are consuming only 600 calories, while the body actually requires more than this to go about daily!

The good thing to the 3-day diet is that it is very useful for anyone who wishes to loose those pounds quickly for a special upcoming event. It is the “easy” way out of the usual standard
 hard-core dieting. This diet also does not consist of any exercise regimen.

How the 3-day diet works is by reducing the “Water weight” of your body. This is simply done by concentrating your meals on fish and cutting out all carbohydrates intake. As said, the weight loss is just temporary for as soon as you resume with your normal diet, you will put the water weight back on!

It is best that you don’t eat much of anything, including grapefruits. The most ideal diet is one that is well balanced and well proportioned.

For instance, you can take a healthy helping of grapefruit, but do include other essential nutrients, which are not found in the fruit. Balance is the main key here. Do consult with your personal physician or dietitian before trying out on the Grapefruit diet.

The Grapefruit Diet weight loss plan is the ideal weight loss diet for real heavy weighters who need to lose lots of pounds. By following closely the Grapefruit diet, you would be able to lose 52 pounds within two and a half month!

However, several experts seem to say otherwise about the effectiveness of the grapefruit in its ability to cause weight loss. Some dietitians explained that the wonders of the grapefruit diet are simply myths and are not factual as these claims are not scientifically supported.

Some things are still left unexplained. For example, in the 1930’s, some claimed that the grapefruit’s enzyme would be able melt body fat. But yet, till today, no one can provide a concrete explanation on how it is made possible.

These counter allegations are not scientifically proven either. So, if you are on a grapefruit diet and it seems to be working well for you, it may be best for you to continue. After all, what matters is that a diet program

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