Friday, 8 July 2011


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Apples known as cleansing food, contain fiber, antioxidants and fruit flavonoids. It is also a source of Vitamin C.                

Benefits of Apples: The most important of the flavonoids contained in apples is quercetin, which has anty inflammatory as well as anti-cancer actions. Apples can reduce blood cholesterol levels, counter constipation and diarrhoea, help joint problems and prevent diseases in general.

How much Apples should you eat? Apples can be eaten freely, but more then two or three a day does not increase the health benefits. Large quantities of apple juice can encourage tooth decay and diarrhoea.

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Maximizing the benefits of Apples: Apples are best eaten raw, as cooking them can reduce the flavonoids by as much as 70% into the cooking water. It is also a good idea to eat the apple unpeeled.

Nutritional values of Apple:
Calories                            57                           Vitamin C                        10 mg
Fibre                                 1,8 g                        Vitamin E                        o,6 mg
Potassium                      120 mg                   Quantities                       per 100 g

An apricot, with its fat, juicy, bright-colored flesh, is rich in the antioxident beta-carotiene as well as iron and potassium.

Benefits of Appricots: It can help to regulate blood pressure and is also high in soluble fibre, which helps maintain regular bowel function.

How much appricots should you eat? Dry or fresh appricots can be eaten freely. A handful of dried appricots contains one fifth of an adult's daily potassium needs and between 10 and 20 percent of an adult's iron needs.

Maximizing the benefits of appricots: Dried appricots should be eaten with foods that are rich in Vitamin C so that iron absorption can be increased. 

Nutrition Values of Appricots:

Calories                            188                          Starch                                    0
Carotenes                        323 mcg                Sugar                                     37 g
Fat                                     1 g                            Protein                                  4 g
Fibre                                 8 g                            Iron                                        4 mg
Potassium                       1880 mg                Carbohydrates                     37 g

Bananas are great, no-fuss snacks. They are also packed with goodness and are great sources of potassium and vitamin B6.

Benefits of Bananas: Bananas are a good source of both potassium and vitamin B6. They not only help to maintain bowel health, but are also good energy-boosting snacks. As bananas ripen, their starch is converted into sugar. Bananas help to maintain blood sugar levels and it is also a fruit which is easily digested.

How much banana should you eat? Bananas can be eaten freely, within limits. A banana weighin 100 g contains about 62 calories. It must be remembered that dried bananas are a more concentrated source of nutrients than plain bananas.

Maximising the benefits of banana: Fresh, ripe bananas are a very good source of fruit sugars and can give a quick energy boost.

Nutritional Value of banana:

Calories                          62                              Niacin                               0.5 g
Potassium                      270 mg                     Per                                    100 gm
Vitamin B6                    0.19 mg                    Vitamin C                          7 mg

Blackberries are a good, low-fat source of vitamin E. These sexy berries also make fantastic, healthy dessert treats.

Key benefits of blackberries: Blackberries are a good low fat source of vitamin E and it helps to fight infection. It also contains salcylate, which is thought to lower the chance of heart risk. It also contains vitamin C, phenolic acids and folate.

How much blackberries should you eat: Blackberries can be eaten in many forms, from juice to desert or just fresh.

Maximising the benefits of blackberries: Blackberries are best eaten frest, but the cooked variety still contains high quantities of vitamin E.

Nutritional values of blackberries

Calories                          25                           Fibre                       3,1 g
Folate                             34 g                        Vitamin E               2,4 mg

Suffer from gout? Cherries are believed to relieve this painful condition if eaten daily. But that’s not all they are good for.

Benefits of Cherries: Cherries contain the powerful antioxidant anthocyadin. Cherries are believed to relieve gout if at least 225 g are eaten daily. They are also thought to have a mild laxative action.

Maximizing the benefits of cherries: Although fresh cherries have a very short season, cherries that have been bottled, canned or cooked seem to retain their beneficial qualities.

Nutrition values of cherries:

Calories                                      39                                Potassium                             170mg
Vitamin C                                   9 mg                            Carbohydrates                     12 g
Starch                                         0                                   Sugars                                   12 g
Protein                                       1 g                                Fat                                         < 1 g

Grapes are not only good for wine making. Both red and black grapes also contain powerful antioxidants.

Benefits of grapes: Both red and black grapes contain powerful antioxidants and resveratrol, which helps to prevent both the narrowing and hardening of the arteries. Ellagic acid, which has anti-cancer properties, is also contained in grapes. They do, however, have very high sugar content.

How much grapes should you eat? Grapes have many health benefits, but have high sugar content and should therefore be eaten in moderation.

Nutrition values of grapes:

Calories                                       60                                   Carbohydrate                       15 g 
Starch                                          0                                     Sugar                                      15 g
Protein                                        < 1 g                               Fat                                           < 1 g

Did you know that grapefruit is best eaten when fresh and chilled as this maximizes its vitamin C content?

Benefits of grapefruit: All citrus fruit are excellent sources of Vitamin C, which helps to maintain the body’s defenses. The flavonoid narigenin is found in grapefruit. It is thought to reduce the risk of some cancers. Grapefruits can improve blood circulation and lower blood cholesterol levels.

How much grapefruit should you eat? Citrus fruit can be eaten freely. Tow or three citrus fruits van provide the with 20 percent of its potassium requirements.

Maximizing the benefits of grapefruit: Grapefruit is best eaten peeled and raw. This is more beneficial than grapefruit juice. It is important also to eat the skin around the segments.

Nutrition values of grapefruit:

Calories                                     20                                 Vitamin C                             24 mg
Fiber                                          0,9 mg                          Foliate                                  18 mcg
Carbohydrate                           9 g                                Starch                                   0
Sugar                                         9 g

Sweet, funky and oh-so-irresistible. Find out why mangoes are a great, healthy fruit to be addicted to.             

Benefits of mango: Mango is thought to bring about a reduced risk of colon and cervical cancer. It is a rich source of beta-carotene, which the body can convert to vitamin A. It also contains beta-cryptoxanthin.

How much mango should you eat? An average mango weighs about 150 g. They can be eaten just as is, or mixed into fruit salads.

Maximizing the benefits of mango: As beta-cryptoxanthin is best absorbed by the body when eaten with fat, it is a good idea to eat mangoes as part of a meal, rather than on their own.

Nutritional values of mango:

Calories                                      57                                  Fiber                                        2,6 g
Vitamin C                                   37 mg                           Vitamin E                                1 mg

Don’t by shy when you sprinkle your fish with lemon. You will just be kick starting your immune system in a healthy way.

Benefits of Lemon: Lemons have a very high Vitamin C content. Lemons help to lower cholesterol level and also have anti-cancer effects, because of lemon’s limonoid phytochemicals.

How much lemons should you eat? Lemons are low in calories, but because they are generally quite sour, they tent to be eaten in dressings, sauces or drinks, rather than on their own. A daily portion of citrus fruit is recommended.

Maximizing the benefits of lemons: Limonoids and limonene are found in the whole lemon – pith and peel included. It is therefore best to make use of the whole lemon.

Nutrition values of lemon:

Calories                                      7                                        Fiber                                 0,1 g
Potassium                                  130 mg                             Vitamin C                        36 mg

Lower your risk for cancer and heart disease- simply make a point of snacking more often on a tasty slice of melon.

Benefits of melons: Melons are good sources of beat carotene and vitamin C. They may have an anti-clotting action on the blood. Melons are also thought to lower cancer and heart disease risk.

How much melon should you eat? Melons are reasonably low in calories and can be eaten freely. They also have very high water content.

Maximizing the benefits of melons: Melons with a lighter yellow or green colour as well as water melons contain less vitamin C and beta-carotene than orange melons do.          

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